Video Production


March-In Event Introduction

Valley Forge National Historical Park, 2023
Designed for visitors to watch in the park theater during the March-In of the Continental Army event on December 19, 2023.


How a Tree Grows (Kids Activity)
Valley Forge National Historical Park, 2021
Virtual programming for kids during COVID-19 response. View with audio description on

1778 - George Washington’s 46th Birthday
Valley Forge National HIstorical Park, 2021
Part of a nine-part video series — See more on the Valley Forge YouTube channel.

  • Filming with camcorders, DSLR cameras, GoPros, and smartphones.

  • Scene lighting with LED light panel, firelight, and ambient light.

  • Sound recording with wireless lavalier mics, shotgun directional mics, condenser mics, and H6 Zoom Digital Audio Recorder.

  • Music production with Garage Band.

  • Frame animations with Adobe Photoshop.

  • Editing, color balance, and encoding with Adobe Premiere Pro.

  • Audio description and captions

Valley Forge Writing Prompt (Write-Out)
Valley Forge National Historical Park, 2022
Published on social media and the park website as part of Write Out in partnership with the National Writing Project. Original music inspired by the Mister Rogers theme.

Shelter at Valley Forge
Valley Forge National Historical Park, 2020
Featuring original music and narration, period paintings, and footage from the park orientation film. View with audio description on

Inside a Virtual Volcano (Frame Animation)
Lassen Volcanic National Park, 2020
Used as a planning tool for an interpretive video about a hydrothermal area.